Currently designing for @NextEra Energy (America's largest electric utility) IT team.
Currently designing experiences for NextEra Energy Resources enterprise IT applications team.
Designed the digital experience for an observability dashboard to monitor the health of 35+ applications. Designed multiple interactions for a power outage investigation GIS application.
Prototyped interfaces in a rapid iterative cycle to decrease the product testing time utilizing an established design system.
*The above projects are NDA(high data sensitive projects) protected, please reach out to me for case study decks.
Get In TouchDigitizing inventory management for increased optimization and management using IOT.
READ CASE STUDYSimplifying the user experience for a geospatial community information system
READ CASE STUDYEnd-to-End product design for Schneider Electric's home energy monitoring system, a B2B2C model.
READ CASE STUDYInternet of things based digital solution for continuous real-time tracking of inventory parts for Rolls Royce aviation.
READ CASE STUDYClean portfolio for anyone presenting their photos, designs or any other projects.
Agency page overview focused on team, process explanation and services.